Author by Yosef Doublehorn
Author by : Doublehorn
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26 Desember 2011

Inspiring Quotes in website design

warren Buffett words
Someone can sit in the shade today because … ,
Someone planted a tree a long time ago.  -  Warren Buffett

Visi amal akhirat :

Andaikata hari Qiamat akan datang sesaat lagi … ,
Dan di tanganmu ada sebatang pohon untuk ditanam.
Maka segera engkau tanam pohon itu. - (Hadits Nabi Muhammad SAW.)
hadits nabi Muhammad SAW
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,
But anyone can start today and make a new ending….
Remember , If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

lonely inthe river
The most difficult phase of life,
is not when no one understands you … ;
It is when you don’t understand yourself.
“ Kenalilah dirimu sendiri, maka engkau akan mengenali Tuhan-nya … “
words of Clements Stone

Integrity :
Have the courage to say NO  … Have the courage to face the truth.
Do the right thing because it is right.
There are the magic keys to living your life with INTEGRITY. – W. Clement Stone.
my destination


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