Author by Yosef Doublehorn
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15 Agustus 2013

Pengganti missing title tag untuk blog dan website

SERP & missing title tag - website files

Jika Anda perhatikan Search Engine Result Pages (SERP) saat memasukkan query (kata untuk pencarian informasi) ke boks pencarian search engine, Anda akan menemukan banyak website atau blog dengan tag title hilang. Seperti apakah contoh kasus tag judul hilang, silahkan klik intitle:”Untitled Document” (lihat gambar).

untitle document title tag hilang

Mengapa hasil pencarian ditampilkan seperti gambar diatas?

Jawabannya karena Google mencari petunjuk dari thema utama halaman-halaman lain dalam dokumen kemudian memasukkannya ke hasil pencarian bukan judul – secara teknis kita menyebutnya missing title tag.

Tag judul hilang dapat Anda lihat seperti gambar diatas. Jadi,

Elemen mana yang dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti title yang hilang tersebut?

Ikuti penyelidikan yang dilakukan orang ini :

Dan Petrovic is a well-known Australian SEO and a managing director of Dejan SEO. He has published numerous research articles in the field of search engine optimisation and online marketing. Dan's work is highly regarded by the world-wide SEO community and featured on some of the most reputable websites in the industry. 

Update: We’ve renamed the title of this very article to “Untitled Document” and the following is Google’s re-write based on our H1 and brand name:
missing title tag

Ringkasan hasil Penelitian Dan Petrovic

Elemen apa saja yang diambil Google untuk menggantikan tag judul kurang atau hilang?
1. Nama Domain
2. Page URL
3. Kombinasi Domain + URL
4. H tag (H1, H2, …, H6)
5. Plain Text
6. Elemen-elemen parent page (kasus iFrame)
7. Pemotongan terhadap element-elemen variabel.

Detail Hasil Penelitian Dan Petrovic

Case 1:

Title yang diberikan : Sarah A. King

Kesimpulan :
Judul yang diberikan diatas mirip perintah ini <font color=”#006699″>SARAH A. KING</font>

Padahal seharusnya Nama Domain yang digunakan.

Note :
Domain name could have been used but it doesn’t contain punctuation visible in the rendered title.

Case 2:

Title yang diberikan : Drawing Samples – Wesley Burt

Kesimpulan : {URL_filename} – {Domain Name}

Potentially also home page TITLE.

Case 3:

Title yang diberikan : Solargraphs – Pinhole photography

Kesimpulan : {URL_filename} – {Domain Name}

Identical inference to the one above.

Case 4:

Title yang diberikan : Stephen Eastwood

Kesimpulan : {Domain Name}

Note: /1/2/3/ levels of directories may be the cause for the drop of this element in the title substitute.

Case 5:

Title yang diberikan : Untitled Document – Howard Tangye

Kesimpulan : Untitled Document + {Domain Name}

Note :
How interesting!
Google decides to keep the Untitled Document part and use only domain but in addition rather than completely replacing it? Do they think the piece is actually called “Untitled”? Perhaps not but a semantically challenging HT-90 may have something to do with them giving up on figuring out what it may be.

Case 6:

Title yang diberikan : Coase’s Penguin, or Linux and the Nature of – Yochai Benkler

Kesimpulan : H3 – H4

Case 7:

Title yang diberikan : 8 Wonders of the – Scientific American

Kesimpulan : Parent Page Fragment (iframe) – Domain

Note :
This is a strange case in which Google gets it wrong and truncates the title. What’s interesting is that Google follows the parent page in which this URL is embedded as an iFrame and gets its information from there. My guess on truncation is because this goes into several sections each slightly changing (.e.g Saturn Rings).

Case 8:

Title yang diberikan : (#THTH) Rules! – Tony Hawk

Kesimpulan : H2 Fragment - Domain

This is a case where truncation is useful and Google removes general site title and leaves only the bit of substance (e.g. Tony Hawk’s Twitter Hunt (#THTH) Rules!)

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UNTITLED missing title tag in SERPs

Pertanyaan :
My site's URL (web address) is: http://www.andes-antislip(dot)com
I use Webmaster tools -> Diagnostics -> HTML suggestions to analyze my web sites.
The result is missing title tags as below.

Pages with missing title tags are :


How can I solve this issue?

Jawaban terbaik :

These don't appear to be real pages which is why they don't have a title.
I'd advise blocking them via robots.txt so Google doesn't index them anymore.

That's all we know - Happy blog blogger


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