Author by Yosef Doublehorn
Author by : Doublehorn
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21 April 2013

What the features of Blogger Store v2?

BloggerStore versi 2.0 : Website toko online simpel

Template Toko Online dari Blogger Store ini sangat mengesankan. Desainnya tidak “ramai” tetap simpel, namun dilengkapi sliding menu dan  keranjang belanja (meski masih harus pakai dollar, karena Paypal belum bisa menerima pembayaran pakai Rp). Saya menyukainya dan demikian juga banyak orang dari seluruh dunia. Saya temukan template ini digunakan dari situs e-Commerce dari Brazil, Argentina dan lainnya. Bahkan dari Thailand ada tayangan YouTube tentang tutorial penggunaan Blogger Store v2. Hebatnya lagi template ini dibuat oleh Web Designer Rifki Aria Gumelar orang Bandung dan launching 1 Oktober 2011. Template pun sudah saya gunakan di TOKO BONEKA BAGUS dan Yogya Batik.

Berikut ini penjelasannya fiturnya :

Deskripsi website toko online Blogger Store v.2

This is Blogger Store v.2 the best blogger template ever made. Comes with more elegant, simple and fresh fresh design. Its beauty can you see in the background pattern on the body and main content combined with appropriate background color.

toko-online blogger store

I added some new features that do not exist in previous versions. Here the features you can find on this.
  1. SimpleCart.js v2.2.2.
    This template still using SimpleCart.js v.2.2.2 by as ShoppingCart framework. Since I did some editing on this script, now you can using Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) for the currency. But it’s just a fake because Indonesian Rupiah currently not listed on Paypal.
  2. Animated ShoppingCart
    I added a little animation effects on shopping cart, at default position he would not be visible and show only the total item and the total price and will be visible if you click on shopping cart menu. It will further reduce the use of space on your blog page
  3. Superfish Menu.
    I’ve added 2 pieces of dropdown menu, Top Secondary and Primary menu. I use superfish for it because I think superfish is better and give a softer effect than jQuery sliding menu on blogger store old version.
  4. Automatic Featured Content with jQuery Carousel Fred.
    As my framework I always using automatic methode for all of my template. and specially for Blogger Store v2 I’m using Automatic featured content from jQuery Crausel Fred v.4.5.2, this is automaticly work to displaying product by label or recent product. It can display from another source, just need a several setting.
  5. Grid and List Style post integrated with jQuery Plugin.
    This is a great one !! you will see two view style on this template, default is Grid style and will be change to List style if you click switcher button. This feature is integrated with jQuery Cookie Plugin, so the visitor can see style of the last time they visited.
  6. Advanced Blogger Template Designer Support
    This feature gives you flexibility to customize the background and color of template on Template Designer, so you can get unlimited color and unlimited font for your template, available for :
    • Body Background Color
    • Main Text Color
    • Font Style and Size
    • Text Link Color
    • Background Menu Color
    • Background and border for Shopping Cart Color
    This template also have several additional features:
  7. Social Bookmark Icon
  8. Search Form
  9. Ads Space
  10. Animated Sponsors Logo
  11. Pattern Background.
I hope you like Bloggerstore template.

detail Blogger Store v2 website design

That's all we know - Happy blog blogger


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