Author by Yosef Doublehorn
Author by : Doublehorn
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21 Maret 2014

Website store : How to Take Control of Reputation

Sukses dipengaruhi banyak faktor, dan beberapa beberapa diantaranya sangat penting untuk diabaikan. Mungkin topik ini masih bisa diperdebatkan, tetapi bagaimanapun juga – bagi owner website toko online – yang paling penting adalah bagaimana menangani isu reputasi online. Karena merupakan darah bagi bisnis online Anda.

administrator toko online

Reputasi website di bisnis online bak darah dalam tubuh

Isu utama kali ini adalah reputasi bisnis online.

Seberapa banyak tentang apa saja yang orang pikirkan tentang bisnis online Anda, semuanya akan diambil dari apa yang mereka baca tentang Anda dan bisnis Anda secara online.

Karena itulah, jika ada elemen-elemen masalah internet yang berdampak negatif terhadap reputasi Anda atau bisnis online Anda, maka perlu dilakukan sesuatu.

Jangan pernah membiarkan kata-kata negatif dari orang lain untuk mendefinisikan Anda atau reputasi bisnis online Anda. Jangan biarkan kata-kata negatif tersebut membiak berkembang terlalu besar sehingga memaksa Anda menggunakan kritik negatif tersebut untuk meningkatkan bisnis atau berkeliling mencari cara baru dari ulasan palsu secara online yang justru dapat membuat perbedaan besar pada bottom line perusahaan Anda. Yang dimaksud Bottom Line ialah :

The last line in an audit; the line that shows profit or loss.

Apa yang harus dilakukan dengan website bisnis online?

Berikut ini ada beberapa hal yang bisa dilakukan.

Locating the Problem about reputation of website

The most common way for people to disparage your reputation online is by attacking you on review websites. These websites provide a free and open forum for anyone to say anything they want about you. The problem here is that these “reviewers” don’t even have to verify that they ever visited your business. This means that one person can log on under many different accounts and make it look like the entire community dislikes your business. Although these reviews are largely anonymous and unverified they are usually taken seriously be people researching your business.

Even if they do not read these reviews, a large number of negative reviews will give your business a low score on some sites or 1 out of 5 stars on another. It’s important to stay ahead of these reviews because of the impact they can have on your reputation.

Menyelesaikan masalah reputasi dengan menggunakan jasa "reputation management firm"

Thankfully, it is possible to do something about a negative reputation if you find yourself saddled with one. There are a number of excellent reputation management firms out there that deal specifically with fixing reputations. These companies are staffed with highly-trained professionals who understand the rules of the Internet and how to best suppress negative content. They primarily do this by generating a lot of positive, truthful content about you and your business.

They then post this content on the Internet via blogs and review sites to edge out the negative content harming your reputation.

You Have Options

The most important thing to keep in mind here is that you are not stuck with the hand you’re dealt. There are many options for you to pursue if you find that your reputation is under attack. While it is definitely a hassle to work on fixing your reputation, it is unfortunately a necessity of the business world.

If you don’t take control of your reputation, you will be allowing someone else to control the narrative of your story. Take control of your business and do what you can to ensure clients are seeing you as you want to be seen.

Artikel terkait : Tips Membangun Reputasi Bisnis Toko Online

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